03330 145505

How we do it

Cadantis Forensics offers its Clients access to a skilled team of expert surveyors, investigators, analysts, account managers and auditors, each of whom has had many years’ experience in the water industry.
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Cadantis Forensics offers its Clients access to a skilled team of expert surveyors, investigators, analysts, account managers and auditors, each of whom has had many years’ experience in the water industry. Company analysts are well-acquainted not only with internal auditing standards and procedures, but also with the working processes, systems and operations employed by the water companies themselves. This facilitates the provision of detailed instructions to surveyors and investigators, as well as equally precise recommendations by Analysts to Account Managers – without which complaints, appeals and submissions to water companies, water retailers and industry regulators cannot be drafted, or hope to succeed. The needs of the end-user analyst compel the management of detailed controls for the gathering and storing of evidence and data, which can then be sorted and processed as written submissions formed in science, fact and, when necessary, law. Fundamental to the Company’s success is experience in dealing with the dispute resolution agencies, the Consumer Council for Water and WATRS.

Members of staff benefit from a monthly programme of Continuing Professional Development, so that every department, and bridging each of the Company’s disciplines, is properly acquainted with the evolving legislative, regulatory and operational changes within the water industry, and the newly constituted market place. CPD is overseen by directors, in conjunction with, and supported by, two panel firms of national Solicitors. It is this concentration on knowledge capital that sets Cadantis Forensics apart from its rivals, each of whom – without exception – provides cost recovery as an adjunct to a much wider range of services, in most cases spanning the gamut of utility industries. Cadantis Forensics specialises in water only, within which narrow discipline it is committed to a single platform of operations. This focus enables the Company to excel in the recovery of monies for Clients because it knows better than anyone else how to navigate the routes to restitution. Water is a complicated, systemically cryptic, and obstacle-strewn industry. Its institutional complexities are hard-wired into the regulations (including 3,000 recently released pages of rules and guidance), which have to contend additionally with the binary forces of government legislation and agency regulation. Cadantis Forensics’ surveyors, auditors and analysts are uniquely well-equipped and informed to guide the Company’s Clients through this web of paper and principle.

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